Definition Management
Many people have to give meaning to the term scientific management or management of this, start a simple up with a detailed understanding. Some understanding that can dikutipkan as follows.
Management is the process of decision-making.
This is the most simple definition. A more complete definition given by Federick Winslow Taylor, namely:
An experiment that seriously to face any problems that arise in the company's leadership (and other organizations) or any human system in cooperation with the attitude and spirit and a degree by using the tools of analysis, measurement, testing and verification.
Below are some definitions of management, according to experts.
Ensyclopedia of social sciences
Management is the process pelakasanaan achievement of specific goals held by supervision.
Georgy Terry
Management is the achievement of specific goals with the help of others.
James A.F long in management books:
Management (management) is the process of planning, organizing, leading and mengendalikanpekerjaan members of the organization and use semuasumber power oraganisasi to achieve certain goals that have been set. [1]
Many more definition given by other experts, but the way the public has almost the same, and if there is a difference, the difference is due to the weight of the different views. From the above definition, probably will have to deduce what the actual management of it.
From the above definition, can be described activities or functions of this management. From the various management functions described by many experts, both above and the other. It was found in the variations because of the way to see the different management activities. However, if direnung and function than the one with the other through understanding, understanding or sis activities, according to the version of each expert.
Management Function
There are several classifications of management functions, according to some experts.
1. Planning,
2. Organizing,
3. Lead,
4. Control.
1. Planning,
2. Organizing,
3. Implementation,
4. Control.
1. Planning,
2. Organizing,
3. Directions,
4. Coordinating,
5. Control.
And more opinions of other experts on the management function. When examined, the functions of the management tertsebut, each member always has the same view in the case:
Organizing, and
Control, or supervision.
Differences in their respective experts on the management function is located on the functions outside the above three functions, namely those concerning the implementation in the field. [2]
Process Management
The process is a systematic way that is defined in the conduct of activities or in activities. We refer to the management as a process to emphasize that all managers, talent or their particular skills, involved in activities related to each other to achieve a goal that they want.
1. The process of planning (Planning)
Planning is a process mentapkan goals or objectives and actions necessary to achieve the goal (goal) is.
2. Organizing (Facilitate)
Facilitate the process employs two or more people to work together in ways structured to achieve specific goals or targets in some other words to allocate work, authority and resources among member organizations, so that they can achieve their goals.
3. Leading (Lead)
Leads are driving the process and affect the activity or motivate employees associated with the work of members of groups or entire organizations.
4. Controlling (Control)
Control is a process to ensure that activities in accordance with the actual activities are planned in the sense that a manager must be confident that the actions carried out by members of the organization truly propel the organization towards that goal has been formulated. This is a function of management, and involve various elements:
Setting a standard performance;
Measuring the performance of the current;
Compare this with the performance standards are set and
Take corrective action when there is a deviation detected [3]
The nature of the Interactive Process Management
The fifth
Manager lead, influence, checkers motivate employees to perform the important task
Part to six
Manager ensure that the organization reach the goal to move the organization
To the four
Managers manage and allocate work, authority and resources to achieve the target organization
(Part of the three)
Managers use the logic and method to reflect the targets and actions
Dylan, James A.F., Freeman, R. Edward., Gilbert JR., Daniel R, Management, Volume I-language edition of Indonesia: Jakarta, PT.Prenhallindo, 1996
Heidjrachman R., Basics of Management, Yogyakarta: upp AMP YKPN, 1990
[1] long, Freeman, Gilbert JR., Management, PT. Prenhallindo, Jakarta.1996 hal.7
[2] R. Heidjrachman, Basics of Management, AMP upp YKNP, 1990 hal.4-5
[3] Loc-Cit, hal.12
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